The Indian legal organs have quite ineffective by and large due to its inherent from British era, as India still follows the acts which Britishers have made to rule over the country. Notwithstanding to the facts that since 2014 (Modi Era) there have been massive efforts to bring the judiciary more transparent and accountable be it the first Judicial reforms (National Judicial Accountability Commission) or taking the old laws down etc.
Barely six months after coming to power, Modi government had tried to bring its first ambitious plan to reform the judiciary. However, the same derailed by the Supreme Court citing that ‘No one can dictate the Judiciary’ on the name of “Accountability”.
Team of “The Garhwa Post” found out to speak with Ashwini Upadhayay, a distinguished lawyer in Supreme Court of India, also member of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). He attempts to bring change in legal discourse, social, economic and political injustice, gender equality and lot more in the form of Public Interest Litigation (PIL). Therefore, he is called PIL man by the people across the sections.
Much Needed Reforms in Legal System
India will have to go with a massive reform so that younger generation would not have much problem that we are facing today. Most of the laws are out-dated and this needs to be root out from the system as this seems to be barriers of the functioning of the judiciary by and large.
To redress the situation, we need to have a bottom-up approach. The principal problem is with the district courts where lakhs of litigants come into contact with the justice delivery system. Unless the problems of these courts are addressed, other temporary changes and ad hoc reforms at the Supreme Court and high courts will have no bearing on the system, and the average litigant will continue to suffer “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.”
“Corruption” Root Cause of Every Problem in the Country
Generally, people ignored “Corruption” which is a constant in the society and occurs in all civilizations; however, it has only been in the past 20 years that this phenomenon has begun being seriously explored. It has many different shapes as well as many various effects, both on the economy and the society at large.
Among the most common causes of corruption are the political and economic environment, professional ethics, and morality and, of course, habits, customs, tradition, and demography. Its effects on the economy. However, this is unfortunate that the government is also overlooking this part as well.
The country is needing a very strict law on the same and have been appealing to fix this with the help of our ‘Aadhar system’. If Aadhar is linked through everything exceedingly 5000/- most of the corruptions will be stopped spontaneously.
How the Uniform Civil Code And Population Control Act Compulsory
In order to save the Indian democracy and its people, the country must have a strong and effective law as far as population management bill is concerned. Also, government should cohesive by implementing the Uniform Civil Code which long pending demand. The kind of chaos is created in the country and to prevent from its misuses India compulsorily needing the UCC and Population control act.
Now the time has come for an unified law regardless of their religion people are following. There must be a one CrPc and everybody should follow the same. I have given several representations in the court of law on such subjects, where the central government is not responding to my plea. It is indeed require to save the demography too. I would also urge the people of this great nation to ask your law makers to work for you, as you have worked for them earlier.